
Secret Ghost Champion - Artwork by Ben Hance | © 2011 Hand Drawn Records

Secret Ghost Champion – Artwork by Ben Hance | © 2011 Hand Drawn Records

Fort Worth Weekly’s BEST OF 2011
by Anthony Mariani

Outsider Artist

Critic’s choice: Ben Hance

You won’t see his art in any gallery or museum. You’re more likely to find it on a CD cover. In addition to creating art for his band, Fort Worth’s Pink Floyd-ian Secret Ghost Champion, Hance occasionally lends his drawing and design talents to Hand Drawn Records, the Dallas label to which his band belongs. In his supremely outré and exceedingly naïve-seeming work, Hance often blends vibrant hues with bat-shit-crazy, semi-representational –– but never obscene –– imagery that almost defies description. What’s that on the cover of SGC’s forthcoming album, Psychosomatic Immortality? A human skeleton with a daisy blooming from its skull, Incan-rainbow arms/wings, and the lower half of a snake skeleton? Pretty. Warped.

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